Lipo-Dissolve for Fat Reduction in Rochester, MI

Lipo-Dissolve is also known as “meso therapy”, which means injecting medicine into the “middle layer” to destroy fat cells. This Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate is an FDA-approved medication but IS NOT FDA approved for fat reduction.

It has been used for decades to reduce fat, in 1988 Sergio Maggiore described the use and effectiveness in Europe, and as early as 2004 it was being used in the United States.

There are several studies published on its efficacy, but because it is generic, the cost to get FDA approval for this fat reduction indication is prohibitive.

This non-surgical procedure uses a series of injections to contour as well as destroy fat cells. With Lipo-Dissolve, we’re able to target fat deposits that may be resistant to weight loss through diet and exercise.

The medication deoxycholate destroys fat cells and phosphatidylcholine helps facilitate the clearing of the dead fat cells.

Safety & Efficiency

  • This treatment is non-surgical and minimally invasive.
  • The Lipo-Dissolve treatment provides results just weeks after treatment.
  • Safe, quick, and easy —  a single treatment takes only 20-30 minutes.
  • Minimal downtime and side effects in most patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t Just Imagine Results. See them!

With this treatment, the results are real: You’ll see and feel the change. Because your experience is customized for your body, the transformation is clear. You can book an appointment with our Rochester office by phone by calling 248-413-5835, texting 248-453-9904, or filling out our convenient online contact form.


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